Edited By Willage, Marc B.Friday, April 5, 2024

On April 4, 2024, Jake Seid presented a program regarding the process of zoning. Jake has been in the zoning consulting business for 16 years. He described that a lot of work needs to be done on the process of zoning. He did acknowledge that sometimes the process of zoning is distorted because of local politics, primarily. In Chicago, Jake noted that each of the Aldermen have a lot of say on what goes on in their ward with zoning.
Jake noted that the statute regarding zoning for Chicago is 800 to 1,000 pages long. For the last number of years, Jake has worked for Sightline Planning And Zoning. His company provides services to counties and municipalities. A lot of times, the zoning ordinances need to be brought up-to-date, after years of various amendments.
Jake noted that those who don’t want a project to receive a variance, tend to stay home; while those who do want it, tend to go to the public meetings where a variance is discussed.
Jake is a member of the Illinois organization, ILAPA.COM; the organization currently has approximately 1,600 members.
Contemporary problems with the current usual practice of zoning, perpetuate segregation, because there is so much homogeny, where only single residencies of a narrow price range exist, as well as driving urban sprawl. Accompanying more and more modern land developments are the location of retail and other necessary day-to-day businesses, being present within, no longer necessitating a car to “get anywhere." This "mixed development" further integration, because people of less means are likely not to have to own a motor vehicle.
At this time, the less expensive the residences are in the neighborhood, the more likely that there will be unpleasant neighbors, such as industries that tend to pollute.
Pictured on the left is Rotarian Marc Willage; on the right, is today’s guest speaker, Jack Seid.
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