By Marc B. WillageEdited By Willage, Marc B.Saturday, August 3, 2024

At our Rotary club meeting on August 1, 2024, Dr. Thomas Bookler described the nature of the homelessness afflicted by 10,000’s of public school students - in the Chicago area.
By homeless, many people would think of folks living on the street, but there is probably a significantly larger number of homeless, who do not have their own permanent address. This is different from situations that are stable, and permanent, even if not within the nuclear family who actually pay the rent or house note.
It should be noted, that Dr. Booker works with students attending schools located outside of the city of Chicago - In Cook County. There are more students who are affected by this problem in the suburbs, as compared to Chicago proper.
There is an income levels based criteria, to see if a family qualifies for the services.
For assistance not able to be provided by a school system, there is Title 1 benefits available.
Also compliance is widely lacking regarding provision that a student can continue classes at a school of their choice, and that the school district is obligated to providing transportation to and from that school, no matter where the family moves from time to time.
For folks who are “living from paycheck to paycheck,” they are one precarious step away from homelessness. For instance, someone loses their job because of illness or injury, then they subsequently likely lose their medical insurance, which prevents them from paying payments for their dwelling, and then there are out on the street.
Pictured left in the photograph, is a visiting Rotarian from Sweden, Monika Lionaite. Today’s speaker, Thomas Bookler, is in the center, next to his wife, on the right, Laura.
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